Find Your Fit: SwimTrek's Wetsuit Buyer’s Guide
We’re often asked about the Perfect Swimmer's Wetsuit – an all-purpose armour to avoid chafing and stroke restriction, which is thin and flexible, but still retains heat. The truth is, wetsuits are made for all conditions, temperatures and seasons. And so, while you won’t find a single suit...
Top 10 Swim Adventure Books
Many different styles of outdoor swimming have evolved over the years, and for each one there's a different kind of storyteller... Roger Deakin’s Waterlog set the benchmark for books about swimming in nature - a man with a giddy, rebellious streak, who escaped to country spots across the UK...
SwimTrek: 10 Trips With Wildlife
Animal encounters are the stuff of swimming legends: Lynne Cox shared a training swim with a grey whale calf. Adam Walker swam shark-infested waters guarded by a pod of dolphins. Ross Edgley bumped into a basking shark during his Great British Swim… So, we thought it was time to look at a few ...
Turkey: Location Spotlight
Historic Swims & World-famous Cuisine Europe and Asia collide in a rich historical blend of old and new. Discover architecture shaped by a succession of fallen empires, ruins carved by ancient wars, and, of course, a world-famous cuisine reflecting a vibrant country with a long and...