SwimTrek have been nominated for the British Travel Awards, 2023 - voting is now open!
If you've ever been on an adventure with us, and made lasting memories, please support us and vote for SwimTrek in the 2023 British Travel Awards!
This year, we're working harder than ever and digging in to win gold! Of course, we're thrilled to have been nominated for the fifth successive year in a row (2022/23 were combined due to the pandemic) and with four silver medals already, this year we're set on being crowned the Best Travel Company For Activity/Sports Holidays. That top podium spot has never felt closer!
To vote for us in the Best Travel Company for Activity/Sports Holidays category, please click the links we've added throughout this blog.
Best Travel Company for Activity/Sports Holidays
2023 Highlights So Far!

Going For Gold!
Vote in the British Travel Awards for your chance to win a fantastic prize
The British Travel Awards is one of the world's biggest consumer-voted competitions, as well as being one of the largest and most influential poll of opinions to highlight leading leisure travel and tourism providers. All kinds of travel companies take part across a variety of categories. We've been nominated for Best Travel Company For Activity/Sports Holidays and now, during our own exciting period of expansion, relocation and accumulation of truly innovative future plans, seems like the perfect time to shine a light on some of the outstanding work that's been going on in the active holidays industry. We're also just thrilled to be included again!
For those who've been freshly introduced to us, SwimTrek are the world's first and largest swimming holiday company. We've been taking open water swimmers to memorable location around the world for 20 years, from the tropical islands of Bali to the stunning lochs of the Scottish Outer Hebrides. We have the largest range and variety of trips, leading the way with our pioneering holidays, which include Coaching Camps supported by world-class guides and seasoned marathon swimmers (in fact, we've trained and motivated over 200 solo English Channel swimmers since we started) and once-in-a-lifetime Liveaboard adventures to far-off islands and secluded coastal coves and bays.
'Operating out of our new base on the Brighton beachfront, a few steps from the incredible Sea Lanes 50-metre pool, we couldn't be more excited about what lies ahead in open waters with our trusty SwimTrekkers...'
Operating out of our new base on the Brighton beachfront, a few steps from the incredible Sea Lanes 50-metre pool, we couldn't be more excited about what lies ahead in open waters with our trusty SwimTrekkers. This year, we were also delighted to announce our 20 Sustainable Travel Goals as we continue to grow and evolve our operations in over 50 locations around the world. We are fortunate enough to travel to some of the most beautiful environments on our planet. We are conscious of the fact that the onus is on us to strive to ensure our trips, and our business, run in an environmentally responsible manner, limiting our impact on the ecosystems we visit.
Please remember, voting for the British Travel Awards 2023 closes on 1 October. All winners will be contacted on 16 October. In other exciting news, everyone who enters will automatically be entered into a big draw from an incredible collective prize pot - including a free swimming holiday to the Lake District with us! Please make sure you and all your SwimTrek friends get your votes in before 1 October.