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Guest Blog

Discovering open water swimming in Slovenia

By Katherine Heath

Earlier this summer, photographer and nature lover Katherine joined us on our Lake Bled and the Slovenian Alps trip. Though she loves the open water, she was not used to covering longer swim distances, but combined with reassurance from our guides and a fantastic backdrop to enjoy it all in, she enjoyed an incredible trip:

“Despite my love of being in the water, I would never call myself a swimmer. But, there’s something irresistible to me about simply being out in the wild, open water - no matter the temperature. When I arrived, I felt a little nervous, but the team at SwimTrek were great encouraging me to push myself, and I swam distances I was happy with every day.

If you’ve never tried open water swimming but it’s something you’re keen to get into I cannot recommend this beautiful country enough.”

Below is a selection of some of Katherine’s beautiful photos of her trip in August. You can read Katherine’s full blog post on her website here.

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