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Trip Diary

Swim your way to health in 2020

By Olivia Weatherill

We know that swimming is a great way to exercise. As a high impact, low intensity activity, it’s the first step for many starting out with a fitness journey and a great way to stay fit for those that just love being in the water! If you can weave swimming into your routine, it’s a fantastic way to get your whole body working regularly. And if you’d like to take a trip to particularly focus on getting your fitness up, here’s our selection of trips to really impact your health in 2020, whatever level you’re coming in at.

Develop your skills

intro to open water tb 2019

So, you’re at the beginning of your open water fitness journey? Great to hear! Your first forays into an open water swimming holiday may be best placed on an introductory course. Giving you dedicated time to work on technique skills in the pool and then transition your skills to the open water is a great way to set yourself up to be able to enjoy swimming anywhere, whether it’s a workout or a holiday. By improving your stroke, you’ll be able to swim more efficiently and effectively, and our Open Water Development trip is an excellent place to learn to do so. With experienced coaches and the time to work on your technique, you’ll be fully equipped to swim yourself fit!

Take your swim skills further

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Like the idea of combining open water swimming with other sports or as part of a bigger challenge? A triathlon may be the event for you. You can prepare for the swimming discipline of your triathlon on our Open Water Swimming for Triathlon camp, combining sea swimming sessions with technique coaching in the pool. Plus, the local conditions in our base of Tenerife makes this the ideal location to also train for running and cycling.

Swim for longer


Swimming is already for so many of us a regular form of exercise, so why not up your swim miles to make the most of your time in the water? A half hour swim at a moderate pace can burn around 300 calories and increasing the amount your swimming will help push this up even further. If you’re looking to increase your swim distances on one of our holidays, one of our longer swims trips such as the Oman Fjords, Lycian Way – Turkey and our Milos Explorer Long Swims trips give our guests a great chance to swim further. And with so many of our trips enjoying incredible underwater sights and impressive swim backdrops, it’s no surprise that you’ll want to swim for longer!

Combine walking and swimming

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Outdoor swimming so often goes hand in hand with hikes and this offers up another way to stay active. So many of our destinations are set in beautiful locations that can be enjoyed both in the water and on foot and show off some of the best parts of the areas we visit. Particularly great trips to both swim and walk on are our Lakes and Tarns Weekender, Lake Bled and the Slovenian Alps and our American lake swimming trips in the Arizona Canyons and Cascade Lakes of Oregon.

Pick a trip to train for

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If you choose a longer distance swim challenge, you’re going to need to train for it. Nothing quite beats the sense of achievement completing a swim race can give you, especially when months of hard work have gone into it. If you build up to a longer distance race over several months, you’ll benefit from getting fitter as you prepare, and you may well find that your event makes you want to keep your new training routine even after you complete it! Our Hellespont and Bosphorus Swims are both epic cross continental races and are perfect trips to train and get fit for.

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