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Photo Diary

SwimTrek HQ take on the Defi de Monte Cristo and the Jersey France Swims! - A Photo Diary

By Olivia Weatherill , 28 June, 2019

Our head office staff are an incredibly passionate bunch who love to travel around the world finding their own open water swims to do on top of the trips they take with SwimTrek. June saw 4 of our staff taking on personal swimming challenges, one event in France and one swimming to France!

Reggie, Cat and Ben completed the Defi de Monte Cristo

Operations team members Reggie and Cat and Group Sales Manager Ben travelled to Marseille for the 20th edition of the Defi De Monte Cristo. Swimmers start on the banks of the Ile d'if, the setting of the novel The Count of Monte Cristo and the site where he was imprisoned and ultimately escapes from. Swimmers then race back to the mainland. Here's how they got on!

Ben Monte Cristo swim The 21st edition of the Defi de Monte Cristo - here SwimTrek come!

Cat pointing to island Monte Cristo swim Operations Assistant Cat pointing out the island she'll be swimming back from, it's only 5km!

Reggie Monte Cristo Swim Operations Manager Reggie clearly can't contain his excitement to be in Marsaille!

Cat Monte Cristo swim Cat showing her SwimTrek colours in the athletes village, did any of you spot her there?

Reggie Cat Ben defi de monte cristo before swim The team just before they set off!

monte cristo medals Ben, Cat and Reggie on the finish line - with some great costumes on show!

Reggie Cat Ben Defi de Monte Cristo medals Smiles all round - well done team!

Ash completed the famous Jersey to France swim

Our Managing Director Ash took on a huge personal challenge this year when he signed up to swim from Jersey to France, a distance of 14 miles though tidal movement can see this increasing to 15-18 miles. Many weeks have been spent training on Brighton's beach, with the head office staff getting in and join him on a training swim or two! Ash was attempting to become the first Australian person to complete the crossing, check out how his swim went below.

Ash setting off from jersey jersey france swim Ash setting off from the beach on Jersey.

ash mid swim jersey france Mid swim and looking confident, lovely glassy conditions!

ash on the french beach jersey france swim 10 hours and 38 minutes later and the first Australian to complete the crossing, well done Ash!

smiles back on the boat ash jersey france All smiles back on the boat!

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