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SwimTrek raises 1000 Pounds for the Marine Conservation Society

By SwimTrek HUB

As everyone who has been to one of our End of Season Parties knows, each year we hold a raffle to raise money for charity with a whole host of prizes including a main prize of a free place on one of our One Week Tours. This year, the lucky winner was David Shotton and David has decided to go on our stunning Croatian Dalmatian Coast Tour next summer.

Our chosen charity this year was the Marine Conservation Society who actively campaign for the protection of our seas, shores and wildlife. As a company that organises swimming holidays and love swimming in the sea, we think the MCS does great work and were delighted that the raffle raised £750 to help them with their work. We also donated an extra £250 to round uop the donation to £1000. If you want to know more about how you can help their great work, click here

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