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Guest Blog

Wednesday in Croatia: Otak Zmajan coastal encounter.

By Viki Shelver

A beautiful day, slight breeze but calm seas and sunshine. Nic's family had arrived yesterday and with his sore shoulder, he decided to have a rest day. We headed out of the harbour towards Otak Zmajan. After a 40 minute journey we arrived at our starting point. Lovely calm water although a little fresh. After yesterday's conditions a few wetsuits were brought out and there were many happier swimmers. Into the water just after 10 o'clock. A great section to swim, lovely sea floor which looked like crumpled velvet, a few patches of what appeared to be yellow coral - or maybe salt water mushrooms😉. Also a few red star fish amongst the regular sea urchins. A lovely pace today, with everyone getting into their rhythm. Quite a few yachts and leisure craft parked in a few coves. Also a massive private launch which looked like something out of a James Bond movie. They were not a very friendly bunch and weren't amused when Suzanne asked if she could join them for a glass of champers and some lunch. We did stop off very near to them, for the well earned hot drinks and snacks. We later enjoyed our own lunch of yummy wraps and fruit. Trish and Soarla went off for a little training swim and then we had some fun filming with the GoPro before setting of for our short afternoon swim - about 1600m. The course offered us a good assortment of conditions but everyone enjoyed the challenge and went the extra distance! Great effort by the team. Back on board, dried down and back to Prvic. We stopped off at Superine from where Trish took most of the group for an hour walk back to Prvic Luka, around the coast. This side of Privic also has crystal clear water and plenty of private coves to swim and relax. Viki, Pia, Lisa and Teresa went straight back to Prvic Luka with Saorla and Tom. Another night of free choice - yoga, massage, dinner - what ever suits your fancy! As Mary , Lozza and Julie headed to yoga they came upon a burial procession at the local cemetery. A priest headed the group in front of the hand drawn hearse. Yoga didn't eventuate so it was mindful drinks and dinner in Superine instead!

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