Lewis Pugh Launches World's First Swim Across Red Sea
Lewis Pugh - endurance swimmer and UN Patron of the Oceans - has spent his life pioneering unique swims in the most vulnerable ecosystems on Earth. First person to complete a long-distance swim in every ocean of the world. Also, first to swim across the North Pole, and to swim the 528 km length...
30 Epic Events For Marathon Swimmers
One of the most common questions we’re asked is: ‘How good a swimmer do I need to be to go on a trip?’ The truth is, we have trips for all abilities (check out our Short Swims options) and even non-swimmers can get a kick out of riding boats, taking local walks, sightseeing and maybe even hopping...
Remembering Her Majesty
Like so many others around the world, we have been very moved here at SwimTrek by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The funeral took place on Monday this week and the whole world ground to a halt as we watched one of the most significant historical events of the past few centuries. ...
What Motivates Top Endurance Swimmers?
We’re delighted to say we’ve recently partnered with U.S. Masters Swimming to evolve our outreach in this aquatic community of ours. Many of you will already know this organisation, either by reputation, or because you already swim with them. For those who don’t, U.S.M.S. is a national non-profit...
Swim Smoother: Paul Newsome Interview
Paul Newsome is a veritable swim-Yoda with many years' experience in video analysis and stroke correction. In fact, very few coaches have a more impressive record of breaking bad aquatic habits to improve swimmer's speed and efficiency. An international marathon swimmer himself, Paul...
US: Seasonal Calendar 2022
SwimTrekkers come from all walks of life and parts of the world. In this feature, we've curated a selection of trips tailored for our US market, with swim-packed adventures from the North American wilderness to the more distant islands of Southeast Asia… Just like our 2022: Seasonal Calendar...
The SwimTrek Channel Is Back!
For any followers of our social channels, we hope you've been enjoying some of the fresh videos we've put out these past two years, including fantastic SwimTrekker Trip Diaries (check out Andrew Cole in Milos), which we're always delighted to receive from you! Now, we thought it was...
Come Swim With Us At Latitude Festival!
Latitude Festival is back in 2022, and we are too! Book today and join us at Henham Lake for another morning series of adventure swims with our expert guides... Staged in the forested grounds of Henham Park, Latitude Festival has been bringing happy music-lovers together for over 15 years....
Around The World In 80 Swims (Part Three)
We're back! A New Year heralds Part Three of our global feature series, bringing you mythic tales and water-loving stories from our favourite open water swimmers around the world. Keep an eye out for all our latest entries - released on our blog every Thursday! And expect another fantastic...
What Are SwimTrek Picks?
This month, we introduce a whole new category type to our global selection of SwimTrek trips. For the first time, you'll be able to explore a premium group of packages, specially chosen by SwimTrek HQ for their unique additional activities, absolutely world-class venues and wonderful local...